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네이버 전문자료 (1,319건) NAVER OpenAPI

An Analysis on Politeness in Request in 1st-year High School Practical English Conversation Textbooks 효과적인 의사소통을 위
Faculty and students’ perceptions of English conversation courses in the general English program This study investigates faculty and
Smart learning, Service (economics), Research questions, Natural (music), Multimedia, Mobile device, Mathematics education, Function
(A)study on the perceptions of English conversation instructor system and the teacher's professionalism in elementary schools 표제
Job satisfaction and vocational perception of English conversation lecturer The purpose of this study is to check if‘English Conversa
Functional Characteristics of Native Teachers' Utterance in Conversation Class politeness strategy, verbal behaviour discipline, eval
English conversation instructors' perception of using of mother tongue in the primary English classes 이 연구의 목적은 TEE 교
“A Comparative Study of the Discourse Marker but in a Conversation Corpus, Korean High School English Textbooks, and Global ELT Textb
Psychology, Meaning (linguistics), Linguistics, Discourse marker, Denial, Conversation, Communicative competence, Appropriate use
(A)study on Korean university students' perceptions of their English conversation classes taught by native English speakers The purpose

현재 보고계신 사이트는 cgimall솔루션 사용자데모입니다.

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