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A Study on the Perception of Piano Major Studentsfor the Utilization of Piano Teaching Method for Beginners 본 연구의 목적은 202
Task-based Syllabus Design for Exchange Students in the Beginning Level of Korean 이 연구는 대학에서 초급 한국어를 수강
A Study on Effects of Flipped Learning onAcademic Self-Efficacy and Self-directed Learning Ability- Focusing on Beginner KFL Listening
A Study on Effects of Flipped Learning onAcademic Self-Efficacy and Self-directed Learning Ability- Focusing on Beginner KFL Listening
Effects of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Mediating Effects of Empowerment between Them among Low-Rank
Evaluation of Specific Capacitance of Colloidal Ionic Supercapacitor Systems 胶体离子超级电容器作为一种新型的超级电
A Study on Beginner Level Korean Language Learner’s Acquisition of Adverbial Particles -based on the analysis of longitudinal spoken
Zur Didaktisierung von Modalpartikeln im koreanischen DaF-Unterricht 라틴어, 희랍어와 같은 사어, 즉 문어 교육에서 기
A Study on the Relationship between Training and Job Satisfaction of the Police 본 연구는 경찰교육훈련이 개인적 특성
Approche de la culture française dans l'enseignement de la langue française pour la classe universitaire de niveau débutant - La did

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