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Effects of communication type, stress coping method, and ego-resilience on adjustment to the military service among primary grade execu
The Mediating Effects of Work-Life Balance in the Relationship between Social Support and Military Life Satisfaction among Army Junior
Leadership cultivation of college students development of coaching programs for effectiveness verification 본 연구는 군 초급
Hearer-Honorification in Textbooks of the Korean Language Hearer-honorification is one of the essential grammatical categories in Korea
A Study on Chinese Pronunciation Anxiety by Korean Beginner Learners of Chinese This study aims to investigate anxiety patterns related
의사소통 기반의 중국어교재에서 문법항목의 선정과 배열 연구 — 성인 학습자용 초급회화 교재를 중
Preparation of graphene nanoscroll/polyaniline composites and their use in high performance supercapacitors 石墨烯纳米卷是一种
大学の教養科目における初級日本語の同期型オンライン授業 : 対面授業との比較を通して探る特徴と
A Study on Chinese Pronunciation Anxiety by Korean Beginner Learners of Chinese 본 연구는 학습자의 중국어 발음에 대한

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