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Study of the Effects of Metacognitive Reading Strategies Training on English Reading Comprehension Metacognitive reading means the faci
The effects of utilizing an outside-class study group on TOEIC reading comprehension, vocabulary learning, and college learners’ perc
The Effects of Smart Application-based Multiple Reading Strategies on Reading fluency and Comprehension of High School Students with Le
A Meta-Analytic Review of Summarization Instruction on Reading Comprehension of Texts 이 메타 분석의 목적은 읽기 이해에
A Corpus-based Analysis of the Syntactic Complexity Levels of Reading Passages in the College Entrance English Examination and English
On vocabulary strategies and teaching English reading comprehension 영어 초록Ⅰ. 서론Ⅱ. 어휘 책략(Vocabulary Strategies)
A comparison of syntactic complexity in CSAT reading passages before and after the introduction of criterion-referenced evaluation. The
effects of reciprocal teaching on the increasing of reading comprehension strategies and self-regulated learning strategies 목차 상
The Effects of Background Knowledge and Strategy on Reading Comprehension 우리나라 영어교육과정에서는 언어의 4가지
(The)Effect of Topic Familiarity Enhancement Strategies on English Reading Comprehension : Focusing on the Use of Concept Maps as a Pre

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