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네이버 전문자료 (775건) NAVER OpenAPI

Topic Analysis in TOEIC Courses in College by LDA Topic Modeling 본 연구에서는 대학 토익 수업 연구의 주제 경향을
Topic Analysis in TOEIC Courses in College by LDA Topic Modeling 본 연구에서는 대학 토익 수업 연구의 주제 경향을
The relationship between self-efficacy and TOEIC achievement This study aims to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and TOEI
A Study on TOEIC Achievement, Affective factors and College Students' Perception of Smartphone Vocabulary Application 본 연구는 스
The Effects of Strategy Training for Improving TOEIC Listening Skill The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of strate
An Analysis of LC/RC Academic Achievement and Perception of Students Participating in TOEIC Classes Applying an Artificial Intelligence
A Study on Relationship Between Learning Strategy Type and TOEIC Achievement 본 연구는 학습전략유형이 토익 성취도에
The Effect of TOEIC Classes Applying Artificial Intelligence-based Adaptive Learning on Academic Achievement and Influencing Factors
A study of university students’ satisfaction with ability grouping in TOEIC class This study examines students’ satisfaction with a
The impact of test-takers’ familiarity with visuals in TOEIC listening test items on test scores and test performance procedure. This

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